Jonathan Grant
Gully Howard Technical, UK, Managing Director; NORAC, UK, Committee Member; FAAM, UK, Registrar
Jonathan Grant is a leading expert in asbestos management, based in the UK. As the managing director of Gully Howard Technical, he has extensive experience in the field and has contributed significantly to the development of best practices for asbestos management.
Jonathan’s involvement in NORAC and FAAM as a committee member and registrar, respectively, highlights his dedication to advancing the field of asbestos management in the UK. His experience with asbestos dates back to 1995 when he began work with Hampshire County Council’s Scientific Service. He obtained the asbestos P-Cert (now W504) in 1996 and the Certificate of Competence in asbestos in 1999, demonstrating his commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
In addition to his asbestos-related qualifications, Jonathan also holds an MSc in Environmental Management and an MBA, which has helped him develop a deep understanding of the intersection between environmental concerns and business management.
Jonathan’s upcoming talk at the Asbestonomy conference will focus on The First Annual Data Analysis Report into Asbestos in UK Buildings, highlighting his expertise in analyzing and managing asbestos in the built environment. His core conviction that no one should die from asbestos exposure has been a driving force behind his work in the field.
Jonathan is currently the Registrar of the Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management and a board member of the British Occupational Hygiene Society. His commitment to the field of asbestos management is not only professional but also personal, as he is determined to help prevent unnecessary deaths from asbestos exposure.
A fun fact about Jonathan is that his first job involved setting fire to teddy bears, demonstrating his early fascination with science and experimentation.