Dear members,
Asbestonomy was initiated with the overarching goal of making a substantive contribution towards diminishing asbestos exposure risks through the insights and expertise of professionals. The primary objective at its inception was to convene the global community of stakeholders within the asbestos industrial sector. This is how Hugo, the Founding President of Asbestonomy, dedicated his time and energy to the expansion of this important topic.
Through the early undertakings of Asbestonomy, this community was successfully established and came to grasp the sweeping scope of international concerns, along with the divergent pace of regulatory advancements across various nations. Irrespective of whether one occupies a role in the public or private domain of asbestos-related professions, the goal is collectively shared, and the potential for impactful action is within our grasp. Leveraging our collective knowledge, vocations, and proficiency becomes pivotal in advancing the common good and striving for a world where the specter of asbestos exposure risk is vastly mitigated.

Your innovative ideas, skill sets, specialized knowledge, diverse experiences, and invaluable time are all indispensable contributions that stand to benefit everyone. We invite you to join us and embark upon the transformative journey with Asbestonomy! We present 2 distinct working groups: Innovation, OEL. Engage wholeheartedly in this dedicated campaign against asbestos and align yourself with one of these dynamic groups!
Do you have a thematic concept in mind? Your inputs are encouraged without reservation, as all ideas are received with open arms.
Let the journey commence! We invite you to join!